Welcome to
the 12th Youth Assembly at the United Nations!
As proud organizers of the largest youth leadership event on the UN’s annual calendar, we cordially invite you to watch the webcast on the United Nations Web TV. More than 1000 global youth leaders, representing 40 countries, will gather for the 12th Youth Assembly at the United Nations, co-sponsored by more than 30 United Nations Member States and dedicated to the success of the 8 UN Millennium Development Goals. The Youth Assembly will take place on 7-9 August 2013 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
The Opening Ceremonies will include a Welcome Address from Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, High Representative UN Alliance of Civilizations Al-Nasser, Jane Goodall (UN Ambassador of Peace), Ahmad Alhendawi (UN Special Envoy for Youth), Lakshmi Puri (Acting Director, UN Women), H. E. Ambassador Simona Miculescu (Permanent Mission of Romania to the UN), and others. Dan Bena, Head of Sustainability at PepsiCo, and H. E. Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury (Former UN USG), will join the Opening Panel.Ms. Goodall’sDisneyNature Chimpanzee will be screened during Friday’s YAUN events.
On Thursday, August 8, we are organizing a large-scale Google Hangout in partnership with the UN International Telecommunications Union, UN Wired, Google, and the International Youth Council. The focus of the discussion will be how we can use ICTs (Information and Communications Technologies) and things like social media to better empower youth leaders toward the success of the MDGs/ Post 2015 Agenda. We will connect with at least five locations: Switzerland, Brazil, Romania, Bangladesh, and Kenya. Please join us and listen, ask, and make your voice heard: The Youth Assembly at the United Nations Google Hangout.
We are happy that Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, the UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, supports our efforts: ”Cross-cultural dialogue and mutual understanding is the first step towards the search for innovative solutions to the world’s complex, pressing issues, including how to incorporate issues of culture into development planning for the future. The 12th Youth Assembly, serves as a crucial process for transforming relationships, and bringing their energy and courage to some of the most difficult issues we face.”
We invite you to join our Social Media networks to take part
in this exciting event!
And please remember to use #YouthAssembly to engage in our conversation!