My Dear Friends ,
I am enclosing you an Appeal letter for Advertisement for a Souvenir on the Occasion of the 27th Jiji Irani Challenge Cup ,to be held this year at Nagpur, from the 1-5th Nov,2013 .
May i request you to kindly send us an advertisement as per the enclosed form & oblige .(back & inside& outside covers are already Booked)
Many of you who might have been connected to this Cricket Tournament by way of organising/playing/being a part of it or just be present as guests ,or who may have had their sons/brothers/fathers/etc being connected & who may have just about some NAGPUR connection ,maybe by having their wife’s/husband’s/in law’s/ parents , girlfriends/boyfriends, or just mama/masi/fua/fui, who may have lived in Nagpur or studied or even had some friends from Nagpur, may also want to contribute in any way whatsoever we will be highly obliged to receive your contributions may be for someone may want to sponsor a full event , the Amts are as under
Sponsoring Breakfast per day Rs.10,000/-
Sponsoring lunch/dinner per meal Rs 25,000/-
Sponsoring cold & Hot Drinks (for 5 days ) Rs 50,000/- excluding Licence .
We also welcome Ex –servicemen who could help us buy Army Drinks by way of their monthly Quota at the subsidised rate etc, we would welcome every such contribution how so ever small or /big we shall be highly obliged to have to receive any such effort
Look forward to this event as it has & again may cummulate into matrimonial meets between two cities where a” Parsi youth meets his or her future life partner”
Warmly wishing You all Good health & happiness , should you wish to be called or Reminder ,the undersigned will be readily available to do so.
Click here for the Appeal Letter
Best wishes ,
Organising secretary
27th Jiji Irani Challenge Cup 2013.
Address:Shiraz K.Doongaji
511,new colony
Doongaji Villa,