Friendship Ambassadors FoundationYA+11B: The Executive Sessions
Executive Sessions – The 2013 Winter Youth Assembly @ the UN Hosts
YA+11B: The Executive Sessions
31 January and 1 February 2013 at UN Headquarters, NYC
New Partnerships - Moving Words to Action Individual Registration through January 18, 2013 The YA empowers nearly one thousand young people annually to find success for the UN’s 8 MDGs throughout the world. Attendees receive free, practical training on how to start NGOs, administer or manage campaigns, and identify existing work by governments, the UN, or civil society. It is among the largest youth networking events on the UN’s annual calendar.
Registration continues for global youth delegates to the popular Youth Assembly at the United Nations. Youth leaders around the world continue to register in large numbers in hopes of building new skills that will move the 8 UN Millennium Development Goals words to A C T I O N.
The Reasons for Individuals, Model UN Groups, International Development Majors,
and other Young Professionals to register include:
~ OPENING YOUTH SPEAKER: Sejal Hathi; Founder, President, Girls Helping Girls
~ UN LEADER: Maher Nasser, Director of Outreach, UN Dept of Public Information
~ Rebecca Kantar, Founder and CEO, BrightCo
~ Alana Kornfeld, Executive Health Editor, Huffington Post
~ Andrew Mangino, Co-Founder and CEO, The Future Project
~ William Reese, CEO, President, International Youth Foundation
~ Michael Skolnik, Editor-in-Chief, GlobalGrind & Political Director, Russell Simmons
~ Barbara Bush, CEO & Co-Founder, Global Health Corps
~ Zahra Thioune, Director of International Relations, Sylvia Bongo Ondimba Foundation
~ Jonah Wittkamper, Global Director, Nexus Global Youth Summit
~ Ari Melber, Correspondent, The Nation
~ Fabian Pfortmüller, Co-Founder, Sandbox
~ Ravi Theja Mutha - Zero Carbon Villages
~ Bernice Dapaah - Ghana Bamboo Bikes Initiative
~ Chris Castro - Citizen Energy
~ Ann-Katrina Bregovic - Be the Change Green Business Academy, Kenya
~ Akhtar Badshah, Senior Director, Community Affairs Worldwide, Microsoft ~ Andrea Taylor, Director, Community Affairs, USA, Microsoft
~ Sienna J. Wedderburn, COO, Institute for Conscious Global Change
~ CLOSING YOUTH SPEAKER: Kendall Ciesemier, Founder, Kids Caring 4 Kids Peace Child International and Green Business (GEEBIZ)
* Richard Brown,
Senior Vice President, Philanthropy, American Express
* Joyce Moy,
Professor of Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
at the City University of New York’s (CUNY) and
Executive Director of CUNY’s Asian Research Institute
* Maggie Salem,
Executive Director, Qatar Foundation International
* Amir Dossal, Executive Director, Global Partnerships Forum
Director, UN Office of Partnerships, Retired
* Cosmo Fujiyama,
Student, NYU Reynolds Fellow
* H. E. Ambassador Shigeyuki Hiroki,
Consul General, Japan
* H.E. Ambassador Hamid Al-Bayati
Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations
* Screening: Just Vision‘s NEW Award-Winning film:
My Neighbourhood
Visit our site for more!
* Pre-registration: orientation get-together soon-to-be-announced to delegates; Other special opportunities to share a lunch, coffee break, and reception at the UN, as well as a YA break-out networking room all being planned for the first time ever at this YA
Special half day event at the YA
that will define new ways to enact
the 8 MDGs worldwide
Grants and mentoring to
YA university delegates creating new
global social ventures
Review of four major UN conferences on
Human Rights, Arms, Health, and Sustainability:
Outcomes & Impacts
An overview of green businesses and other new
theories on green development emerging post-Rio+20,
with an overview of youth involvement during the UN Summit
YA+11B@UN PROGRAM: now online here (Check back for additions)
INDIVIDUALS: Apply here now, to secure your place at the YA
“I urge you to see your time (at the YA) as a call to action. The world needs each and every one of you to do your part in transforming our world and building a more sustainable and equitable future for all.”
- U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
“It is a great pleasure to send greetings to Friendship Ambassadors Foundation’s Youth Delegates. I can’t thank you enough for demonstrating your commitment to making a difference, and I encourage each of you to continue to give back to others.”
- Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor, New York City